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Gratitude: How Being Thankful Can Change Your Life

“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.”

- Robert Holden

As I sit here on my window seat staring out of the window at the nature before me, I can't help but think about how thankful I am - for the trees, the birds chirping, the early dew of the morning, the radiance of the sun shining so brightly at me... I just revel in how beautiful nature truly is. A few days ago, my family hosted a Thanksgiving dinner at our new home. We prayed together, got caught up on what's been happening in our individual lives, and laughed about a variety of recent stories and precious memories. Our annual Thanksgiving tradition took place right after we prayed together and just before we sat down to eat our savory, delicious meal. Every year, we go around the room and share what we are thankful for. I find that every year we do this, I enjoy hearing about what everyone is grateful for. In a sense, I get a peak into their hearts and what aspects of their lives bring them joy. The calmness and sincerity are truly beautiful to witness. After we share those thoughts of gratitude, we sit down and dive in. It was an incredible meal, for sure!

So that brings me to this question: is Thanksgiving the only time when we set aside a moment to think about what we are grateful for? I certainly hope it isn't. There are so many benefits you receive by practicing gratitude. Gratitude refers to your ability to be thankful and express appreciation. It's the idea of taking a pause and noticing all the good things you have and had in your life. You have to be deliberate with cultivating it, but once you do, it has the power to positively change your life for the better. You can practice this by keeping a journal, praying, sharing your appreciation for your loved ones with them, thanking someone mentally, sending thank you notes... the list goes on and on. I'm "old-fashioned" and I still send out hand-written thank you cards when I receive scholarships, gifts, or even after party guests come to events I've hosted from time to time. Why then should we practice gratitude?

Here are some benefits of practicing gratitude:

It Pleases the Lord and is His Will

Expressing gratitude towards God is actually His will. In I Thessalonians 5:18, it says, "…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." No matter what we are going through, it is important to be grateful. By being grateful, we then can see God and sense His presence in everything around us. It opens our eyes to see His timing and His care for us. It is a beautiful cycle: the more we thank Him, the more we see His work in us and in our situations. Gratitude glorifies God, deepens our faith, and helps protect us against envy. This pleases Him just as much as it helps us.

It Leads to a Happier You

Gratitude helps us to enjoy our lives today. We won't sit there worrying about what's to come but will allow ourselves to enjoy the delights of this day at hand. The days may seem ordinary but through the lens of gratitude, they can be extraordinary. Even something as simple as eating can be a new, amazing experience! Not only are you blessed to eat a meal and digest it to improve your strength, but to be able to taste its flavors, afford to pay for it, understand the labor it took to get the ingredients, and that somehow this meal is now present on your table... that meal issue much more than just a way to satisfy hunger. You can be happy in the day you have and when you adopt this way of thinking about every aspect of your life, it's as though you see life in color for the first time after only seeing it in black and white. You will be more present at work, in leisure activities, and in your relationships. “Wherever you are, be all there!” Jim Elliot famously said. If you choose to see every day and every moment as a gift, you won't be so worried about rushing through your life until you reach a different chapter. You will be happy during this one, too!

It Strengthens Your Relationships

In my friendships, family relationships, and love relationships, I always remind myself that it is not about me. I constantly say thank you to my loved ones for the things they do for me. Even for my mentors and teachers, co-workers, classmates... I find that when I express my appreciation to people, it makes me feel even more humble. When people take the time to do something for me or encourage me, I always feel so grateful because I know that they did not have to do anything for me. Yet, somehow, they do. The best thing you can then do is tell them how are grateful you are for them - how much you appreciate all that they do, no matter how small. This in turn strengthens your relationship because you begin to build stronger connections with them. Returning the favor by showing appreciation to others who give to you will likely encourage a cycle of kindness in your relationship that strengthens your bond with one another. A husband telling a wife thank you for their support and love. A student thanking a teacher for a letter of recommendation. A boss telling an employee thank you for cleaning up a spill in the hallway. Saying thank you in all circumstances can really positively influence your relationships, build trust, and shows your ability to have empathy and sincerity.

It Helps You Become Physically Healthier

Several research studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, heart health, mood, and immunity. Gratitude can also decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain, and the risk of disease. In an article presented by Today, it was stated by Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis, “Clinical trials indicate that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life. “It can lower blood pressure, improve immune function and facilitate more efficient sleep.” So it isn't just about your mental health, but your physical health too!

It Deepens Resilience

Some things happen to us that are beyond our control. Sometimes we make mistakes. There are even times when we have to endure pain even when we did nothing wrong. Tough situations are just that - tough. We can't change our past but through God's grace, we are forgiven or can be helped through those tough times. Those who brought harm to us will be dealt with one way or another. But at this moment, it is up to us how we choose to move forward. Practicing gratitude can bring peace in your heart about the past and plant a vision for the future. We can grow stronger by reminding ourselves we have or can survive. If you've made a mistake, try to let it go and learn from it. Magnifying the positives in your life can help ease the tension from the negative ones.


Gratitude is an attitude - we have to choose it and practice it as much as we can. I encourage you to do this daily, my friend! Recently, I was upset about not having a certain desire in my life but then I paused and counted up all of my blessings. I talked to God about what I was thankful for, both now and in the past. Do you know what happened? I realized that I have so much to be grateful for. I felt calmer, more at peace, and honestly ashamed that I let my emotions get the best of me over one thing. I probably listed more than twenty blessings and I couldn't believe how distraught I was, again, over one desire I didn't have quite yet. I smile to myself now, knowing that hey, I have an amazing life! I can be grateful for the pain I've endured in my past because I got through it...for all the closed doors, knowing that God used those moments to shape me into the woman I am today. I am even grateful for my future because I trust God has great plans for me - knowing when I pray bigger prayers, I will continue to dream bigger dreams and live them out one day. It is important to note that when we put in the work, only over time will we see these benefits. So that brings me to ask you: what are you grateful for?

Thank you for reading my blog post! I am so grateful for you, my dear reader!


Prayer for Expressing Gratitude

Dear Heavenly Father,

Heavenly Father, we come before you today, not to ask for anything but humbly give thanks for all You have done for us. We give You thanks for waking us up on this glorious day. We thank You for protection, not only over ourselves but for our loved ones as well. We give thanks for health, strength, grace, forgiveness, peace, and joy, for loving us unconditionally and never failing us. We thank You for every blessing and also for every trial for they shape us into who we are meant to be and who You want us to be.

In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.



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