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Mastering Productivity and Balance: A Sneak Peek Into My Daily Routine

"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine,” - Mike Murdock

There is an incredible art to being productive and also with keeping balance in our daily lives. For me, I had to learn how to strike this balance but once I did, I felt like I hit the lottery. As someone who has always been very productive and who appreciates the necessity of having wellness routines, I've come to appreciate the power of a well-crafted daily schedule. It is not always the same but I try to maintain certain daily habits that I feel will lead to a healthier, more joyful "me." In this blog post, I invite you to step into my world and discover the elements that compose my daily routine for achieving both productivity and balance!

Morning Rituals: Setting the Right Tone for the Day

My day kicks off with a series of rituals designed to ignite my energy and set a positive tone for the hours ahead. The moment I wake up, I indulge in a few minutes of prayer and reading my bible or a scripture. This practice helps me fix my eyes on my Lord because I have no idea what is up ahead for the day. I pray for wisdom, guidance, forgiveness, and to honestly just have a good day! By praying and reading my Word in the morning, it allows me the chance to meditate on what I read throughout the day.

Following my prayer time, I get ready for work, set a few daily goals, and mentally prepare myself for the day. I grab a few healthy snacks and make my protein shake (unless I want to do intermittent fasting or I want to eat a real breakfast). I have to start your day on the right foot spiritually and physically!

Work: Harnessing the Power of Focus

With my mind and body primed for the day, I dive into the heart of my workday. Depending on what rotation I am on in the hospital, I have a series of different responsibilities. My main goal is to focus and learn something new. To maintain focus and avoid burnout, I make sure to take my own brief breaks to enjoy a cup of coffee or simply walk somewhere new. Whether it's a stroll down the hallway or mentally breaking away from work to work on a new blog or book at my workstation, I think it is essential to give yourself a physical and mental break throughout the day. It is essential and then allows me to return to my responsibilities with a refreshed mind and vigor.

Mindful Consumption: Nourishing Body and Mind

In the midst of a busy day, it's easy to succumb to mindless consumption of junk food. I notoriously would go to the local café near the hospital and grab a sweet treat. It was getting to a point where this was my daily routine and once I figured this out, I had to take steps to put that to a stop. I admit, I have a terrible sweet tooth but I work hard to not use that as an excuse. I strive to work on approaching consumption with mindfulness, both in terms of what I feed my body and what I feed my mind.

For meals, I aim to prioritize wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that fuel my body and sustain my energy levels throughout the day. Whether it is fruit, nuts, cheeses, or something simple like Skinny Pop popcorn, I do my best to eat a healthy snack. I also make a conscious effort to stay hydrated, knowing that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function and productivity. My goal is at least 8 glasses of water a day or 64 ounces. I eventually want to work my way up to a gallon but we shall see.

Evening Wind-Up and Wind-Down: Cultivating Balance and Rest

As the day draws to a close, I transition into my evening wind-up routine, where I work out prior to going home. Sometimes, I will go home first and then work out before bed so that I can allow flexibility. It is good to stay active wherever and however you can. Some people may have a morning routine for working out while others work out in the evenings. Whichever you prefer, make it a goal to get moving every day!

Next, I engage in activities that promote winding down, relaxation, and stress relief, such as talking with family, eating a light dinner, or watching a great show/movie. These practices help soothe both body and mind, releasing tension accumulated throughout the day and paving the way for restful sleep.

Before drifting off to sleep, I take a few moments to pray. This practice fills my heart with contentment and sets the stage for a peaceful slumber. I turn on my Christian meditation app, Abide, and allow for the Word of God to speak over me while I sleep a peaceful sleep.

Final Thoughts: Embracing the Art of Balance

We should all want to have productive lives, but it is so good to find a routine and incorporate balance into that routine. My daily routine is not always the same but there are certain habits I try to keep on a daily basis such as praying and reading the Bible in the morning, praying at night, working out daily, eating at least 80% healthy foods, and talking with family and friends.


While my daily routine may serve as a blueprint, I encourage you to discover your own routine. Incorporated into your daily routine involves also what you are devoted to: whether its family, friends, work, time with the Lord, etc. Try to remember that what we choose to devote our lives to will be where we spend the most time. This reminds me that if I say I am devoted to Christ, I want to enjoy my time not just on Sundays, but on a daily basis. Experiment and find practices or habits that you can do daily to allow for a happy, fulfilled life. Experiment with different rituals and practices until you find what resonates most deeply with you. Remember, the path to productivity and balance is as unique as you are, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution! And yes, you can leave room for flexibility! My suggestion is to have daily goals and fit them in where you can! While I try to achieve God's purpose in my life while being productive, I see the beauty of maintaining balance so that I can keep going every day with tenacity, passion, and joy.


Prayer For Productivity and Maintaining Balance

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the ability to see another day. As I live my life, help me to be productive in accomplishing Your will for my life. Help me to put You first in my heart when I first wake up in the morning, throughout the day, and when I go to bed at night. Help me to get things done and to take care of myself in the process. Help me to eat well and take care of the precious body you have blessed me with. Help me to have daily habits that glorify You and that are good for me. Open my eyes to see what it is You want me to do today and every day. In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

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