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Mastering Time Management

Time is precious beyond what we could ever imagine. What we choose to do with it (or not) shapes our present and our future...

"Time Management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity." - Frederick Winslow Taylor

The concept of time has always fascinated me! It comes and it goes. It organizes our days. It's a tool that helps us keep track of so many aspects of our daily lives. Time is unidirectional and is always only moving forward. Therefore, why does this concept of time management hold any importance? Whether we pay close attention to it or are too occupied to be aware of it, time will proceed and never stop. Life is precious and our time is too, which is why you should choose how you spend your time wisely. For me, it is not solely about what I can accomplish with my time in terms of my schooling or career goals, but it is more so about the time I will have to enjoy doing the things I love. So with that, let me show you what I mean. Here are 5 of my most important tips on how to maximize time in your day and get things done, allowing you to not only prioritize work but also enjoy the delights of your life.

1. Pick and Set Your Priorities

“To change your life, you need to change your priorities.” - Mark Twain

What is important to you? Is it your work, your family, or your talents? There are various aspects of our lives which seem to require our attention. However, to stay sane and get things done, we have to be able to set our priorities and focus on what is most meaningful and needed. For example, you may need to pay those monthly bills and so you organize your time around work. Taking care of your responsibilities is vital to your daily living. Yet, our lives should not only focus on work. Be sure to include taking care of yourself as a priority as well. Yes, there is a time in our life where we have to make sacrifices, but be sure to choose to take care of yourself as a priority ass well. A job can replace your position at any moment if something were to happen to you so don't let it be the only aspect of life that you focus on. For me, school is a priority, but so is my relationship with the Lord, my family and loved ones, and my health. When setting priorities, it is key to understand that you are only one person, and trying to do everything will only lead you down a path to burnout and increased stress. Stress is something we often feel that we cannot avoid, but I think that focusing on your key priorities is a part of minimizing your stress.

Therefore, when setting priorities, make a list. Write down your goals and identify which are necessary and which are not. Yes, this means you may have to say "no" every once in a while, but in due time and when you have more availability, you can pick up those tasks later on. When you are setting priorities, be sure to communicate this with your loved ones if it involves them. For example, my family is a priority, but since I am in medical school currently, I may not be able to talk with them every minute of every day. Instead, I make time when I can while I am driving to school or I simply communicate with them that because of my new responsibilities, I may have to talk with them at certain times during the week. Even with your special someone, if there are times where other priorities take precedence, it is good to communicate this with them to avoid any miscommunication, which could lead them to feel unappreciated or unimportant. Schedule times for dates or alone time and reassure them that they are a priority. All in all, find out what/who your priorities are first and remember, what you set as a priority means that you see value in it. Therefore, chose accordingly.

2. Get Organized!

"For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned." - Benjamin Franklin
  • Set Your Goals for the Month/Week/Day

I understand that everyone is different in how they go about accomplishing tasks. For me, I sometimes have a planning day once a month, to get a glance at what's ahead. However, I always have a planning day once a week (on Sundays) to gather my thoughts around important events, reminders, and assignments for that upcoming week. During this time, I center my focus on what needs to be done and what deadlines I have, which helps me to avoid missing anything important. I also set my priorities during this time as well. Also, on a daily basis, I write a To-Do List for the day. My to-do list is often a list of goals I hope to accomplish that day. I do not give myself time deadlines (unless I need to) because I love having flexibility during my day which allows me to get things done when I can. I always think to myself, "as long as I get these few things done by the end of the day, I'm satisfied." Having a list of goals I hope to accomplish for the day keeps me motivated and allows me to monitor my progress.

  • Find Your Tools

There are plenty of apps, books, and tools at your disposal that can surely help you get more organized. You can use planners, online calendars, reminders, to-do lists, etc. The list goes on and on! Know what works for you and if you do not know, try different methods until you find a few that work best. I LOVE using Passion Planners because I enjoy writing out my schedule in a paperback notebook. It is easy to use and has a variety of exercises in them that keeps me motivated throughout the week such as quotes and journaling. I also like to use Google Calendar to set reminders as calendar events for certain bills that are due on specific dates and even reminders about special events/trips that are forthcoming. In addition, I recommend apps such as Trello and Microsoft To Do if you need help creating grocery lists, tasks with reminders, and/or deadlines for projects. Do you know what's even better? They are free to download! Try these methods and see what happens.

  • Plan Ahead

I enjoy planning because it gives me an idea of what to expect. This allows me the opportunity to organize my other duties/tasks around the ones already planned. Many businesses and corporations create plans all of the time. Why is that? It is because they can efficiently set goals according to those plans and keep track of their progress towards completing those goals. They can also monitor how they spend their time in the process. These tactics provide a sense of direction and assurance. If you plan on making a large purchase (such as buying a car or home) by a certain time in the year, you can plan out your monthly budget ahead of time so that you figure out how to save money. Maybe you are like me and see that you have a busy schedule in the upcoming week and won't have time to cook every day. This is why I plan out my meals by meal prepping. This strategy ensures that I can have healthy meals and not scrounge around for something to eat on days when I feel exhausted. Thus, planning can be helpful and effective.

  • Set Deadlines and Time Limits if Needed

If there are certain tasks with deadlines, try not to procrastinate and set time frames or personal deadlines beforehand so that you can get them done. If there are multiple tasks needed to be done within a time frame, start with the hardest and most time-consuming tasks first and then finish the easiest tasks later. Also, you can give yourself a time limit for each task, which will remind you to stay focused until they are completed.

3. Know What Works Best for You and What Motivates You

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle

What motivates you to get things done? Is it your intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? Let me explain further what I mean by this. First, let's explore intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when you feel inspired to complete a task because it is personally rewarding. In other words, you have a drive on the inside that motivates you to meet your goals. Here are some examples of intrinsic motivations:

  • You exercise daily because you know it is enjoyable for you to do, knowing you are taking care of your health

  • You start a non-profit company because you feel like it is the right thing to do

  • You decide to go back to school because you enjoy learning new things

On the other hand, extrinsic motivation deals with completing a task due to outside gains, rewards or to avoid adverse outcomes. In other words, you have the drive to do something because of what you plan to physically gain or protect from loss.

  • You study for an important certification exam or test to get a good grade/score

  • You participate in a sport to earn a reward

  • You start a business to make profits

It is good to know what motivates you because you can use this to your advantage to achieve success. You may have intrinsic motivation for fulfilling certain tasks and extrinsic for others, but it is important to really know what will keep you motivated. When publishing my first book, I was intrinsically motivated to uplift pre-medical students to apply to medical school and trust in the Lord that He will get them there no matter what happens. Even when I had my anxiety and faced challenges during the publishing process, I reminded myself of why I did it in the first place. Challenges may come, but as long as you are properly motivated, you can overcome those obstacles. You can manage your time wisely and stay motivated while you work hard to get things done.

4. Really Focus and Don't Easily Become Distracted

“You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.” - Mike Hawkins

Distractions are all around us: our phones, television, and even our environment. Stay focused and set yourself up for success. When we become distracted, we often waste time and have to make up for it later. Start each morning by clearing your mind and setting your focus on a few main objectives or tasks that you plan on accomplishing that day. Get into the zone and make it a habit to focus on a selected moment. You can also set moments for breaks as well so that it does not seem so long. Moreover, when it comes to your surroundings, try creating an environment in which you are less tempted to get preoccupied with something other than what you’re working on. That may mean going to the library to study or working on some tasks at home while your children are sleeping for all those parents out there who may not be able to find a babysitter. Set yourself up for success.

Can't stop picking up your phone or browsing the web while working? With your cellphone, try turning it off, setting it "Do Not Disturb", or leaving it in another room. If you need an app for your phone, try an app like Forest. Forest is a very popular productivity app that helps people beat their phone addiction and manage their time in a more interesting and pleasant way. By not using your cell phone, you can earn credits and plant real trees around the world with those credits. You will be less distracted and a humanitarian all in one! Website blockers are helpful as well for those who struggle with unnecessary web browsing as well. Try searching for website blockers you can use for your internet. If you use Google Chrome, you can add extensions such as StayFocus or Limit.

Whatever you can do to stay focused, try these methods, and keep at it until you make it into a great habit. In the past, I've caught myself browsing social media for countless hours, which led me to get further behind in my tasks for the day. Over time, I used these techniques and when all was said and done, I then had more than enough free time to do whatever I desired.

5. Take Care of Yourself in the Process

"We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.” ―First Lady Michelle Obama

The reason I try hard to get my work done first is so that I can have time in my day to enjoy myself. This is my way of establishing "Me Time" on a daily basis or at least every other day. I am a strong believer in self-care because I believe that life is meant to be lived. I personally do not want to live to work, but I want to work to live. Be sure to schedule a time for hobbies, loved ones, and the activities you truly enjoy. Schedule a weekly/monthly treat and reward yourself for what you have done. You deserve it and it is good for you to recognize this!


All in all, time management is something we all can work on from time to time. Life changes and your responsibilities may also change. An important concept to also remember is to change with it and adapt. By effectively understanding time management, you can be on top of it no matter what by setting your priorities, getting organized, knowing your motivations, avoiding distractions, and taking time to enjoy yourself while in the process. I wish you the best of blessings as you work hard to create habits that get you closer to your goals and forthcoming successes.


Prayer for Using Your Time Wisely

Dear Gracious God,

Thank you for all of your mighty blessings and for waking me up me to see another day. Before I start my day, I ask that you guide every footstep I make and every direction I take. Guide me as I set goals for myself and as I work hard to accomplish certain goals in my life. Most importantly, let Your will be done as I take on these tasks or anything expected of me. You are my first priority and I thank you for being there by my side. Be my strength and be in the midst of everything I do, touch, and say. Help me to walk by faith and to use my time wisely today. In Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.



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