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Navigating Transition

“Fear, uncertainity, and discomfort are your compasses toward growth." - Celestine Chua

Change is something we all endure in our lives. Sometimes we know change is coming and other times, it hits when we least expect it. I've had my share of transitions in my life where I was pushed out of my comfort zone and onto a new path that I was unfamiliar with. I am actually in a period of transition right now while I am writing this blog today - the beginning of my 3rd year clinical rotations in my medical school curriculum. I am now leaving the classroom/lectures behind and I will be entering the clinics where I will actually be working with doctors and patients for the first time. Medical students everywhere can tell you that the three biggest transitions we face are transiting to medical school our first year, transitioning to clinical rotations, and then transitioning to residency after graduation. These all invoke some eerie feeling of uncertainty and this is something no one likes to feel.

For you, the transitions you face may look different from mines. Maybe you are getting married or having your first child. Maybe you have a new job or a new title. Just maybe, you are trying to find your way to adopting a healthier lifestyle by changing your eating and exercise habits. No matter what those transitions are, they all impact our lives in a powerful way. Some may be harder than others, but please know that there are ways we can cope with change. Here a few tips about navigating your way through transition:

Understand that Change is Normal

Life is change. If you aren't growing and evolving, you're standing still, and the rest of the world is surging ahead.”- Louise Penny

If you aren't changing, then you truly aren't growing. I cannot imagine being the same exact person I was 5 or even 10 years ago. Throughout life's changes, we grow, we understand things differently, we change our perspective, we adapt and we evolve. We are constantly going through changes, which leads me to the conclusion that change is completely normal. Once we can understand this concept, we can change our attitude to accept that change will happen and focus on how we can grow from the changes we will face. Ease that tension of facing change and embrace it, understanding that change is not always in our control and it is normal part of life.

Try to be Flexible and Patient

“Flexibility is the key to stability." - John Wooden

Since we can acknowledge that changes will come and are completely normal, we can push ourselves to be flexible. Nothing is truly set in stone so we must do our best to be flexible with our transition and be patient. When we aren't flexible, it leads us to be irritable with our transition period. You will find yourself being mad at every twist and turn, which can be stressful and difficult to endure. Flexible thinking allows for us to maintain more peace of mind, which is why we should aspire to attain this.

Change Your Perspective

“Your reality is as you perceive it to be. So, it is true, that by altering this perception we can alter our reality.” – William Constantine

We often have a focused and narrow way of thinking about the changes we encounter. With every transition, you can change your perspective in how you perceive your situation. For example, rather than focusing on how hard it will be to go back to school after being out for years and how old you are compared to other college students around you, think about how your sacrifice will grant your more job stability once you finish. It is often easy to dwell on the barriers or fears of transition, but I tend to think of the results I hope to find after I transition or endure the change. Change your perspective into a positive one and watch how this positivity becomes an integral part of how you live your reality.

Prepare When You Can

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” - Bobby Unser

When you can prepare for the anticipated changes, do your best to be thorough in your preparation. Not all situations can be prepared for but for those that can be prepped, it will help your transition to be easier in the long run. For example, if I know I have to move to a new location, I often try to plan out everything involved in that move and I anticipate the challenges that can come about while preparing for those as well. Prepping yourself ahead of time before the anticipated transition can ease it overall.

Find Your Support System

You have to rely on your support system. Growing up, I always thought it was a sign of weakness to ask for help, but now I realize it's really a sign of strength to say, 'I need help, I can't do it all." - Kerri Walsh

Although it would be deemed commendable if we could do everything ourselves, we often cannot do this. We need one another to help each other through life's trials and challenges. Find a loved one, family member, friend, mentor, coworker, etc. who can help you through your transitions. I admit that I would not be where I am in life without the help of so many different and amazing people in my life. Support can go a long way and it can come from different people who you sometimes don't anticipate. Just remember to speak up and ask for support when you need it. You don't have to prove your strength to anyone. We all need someone to lean on.

Take it One Step at a Time

I have learned to live my life one step, one breath, and one moment at a time, but it was a long road. I set out on a journey of love, seeking truth, peace and understanding. I am still learning." - Muhammad Ali

Life is always changing so with that, remember to take it one step at a time. Don't psych yourself out by thinking about it all at once. Take a deep breath and focus on it one step at a time. This brings me inner peace, knowing that the best I can do for my future is to focus on what I am doing today in the present. The future has its own worries. Understand that you can and will get through your situation. You are still learning and adapting to change is a process.


It is my desire that this blog can be used to help you navigate transition periods in your life. I also want to encourage you to find techniques that can help you relieve your stress and please avoid getting involved with habits that are not good for you. Don't turn to habits that can harm but seek help, meditation, prayer, or hobbies you enjoy. You are not alone and yes, you can get through this! I believe in you.


Prayer for Transition

Dear Heavenly Father,

As I encounter periods of transition and change in my life, please help me remember that your presence remains constant. You know the plans you have for me and those plans are not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future. Although I may feel fear about this new change, please help me to have faith that You will be there to help me through it all. Please direct the right people into my life to help me with my transition. Guide me and lead me in the way I should go and help me with decisions I will need to make. I claim the victory and am so thankful for your grace. Please be with me and continue to develop me.

In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.



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