Passion: Discover and Develop it
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” —Oprah Winfrey
If I asked you to tell me how you spend your time throughout the day, what do you think you would say? Let's try something. Imagine you draw a large circle on a piece of paper, which will be a pie chart representing how much time you spend on certain activities or aspects of your life in one day (24 hours). Cut your pie into slices by drawing in sections and then label each slice. For example, you may sleep for 8 hours so a third of your circle will represent this. Approximately, how much time do you spend each day on certain things? What do you think your pie chart would look like? Most people would say they spend most of their time at work, with family, or at school. Some may include time for a hobby or even the infamous "me-time". Whatever your pie looks like, is your passion infused into the activities you do? I like to believe that time is valuable because it is incredibly limited. Once it is gone, we can never get it back. That's why I think it is pertinent to live a life that includes your passions.
What drives you to do the things you do? Every person is unique. Everyone's story is different. While some of us share common interests and hobbies, we all differ in what we are passionate about, why we are passionate about it, and how we choose to live out our passions. Passion is described as "a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something", per Britannica. It gives you a sense of purpose and is deep within you. This is very different from a hobby, which is defined as something you enjoy doing for fun and in your free time. Discovering your passion means ultimately that you are discovering yourself and why you do the things you do.
The question then is: how can we discover and develop it? Here are my steps to and my thoughts about discovering and developing your passion:
Recall What Excited You in Your Childhood
As I sat there at my desk preparing to write out my personal statement for applying for residency, I went into deep reflection thinking about my future, career, and most importantly, my passions. I wanted to be a part of a program that really understood me and would help me continue to work on what I was passionate about. At this moment, I had to rediscover what my passions were so I could describe them to the program in my statement. I realized that wherever I ended up training, I wanted to show them and tell them about my passions and why I was passionate about these things. Teaching, for example, was something I realized I developed a passion for when I was a child. Here is an excerpt I wrote:
In my childhood, I was a curious little thing, always wanting to find ways to learn something new. I had my “thinking cap”, a pink Barbie bicycle helmet with stickers galore, that I would put on when figuring out how to solve a problem and my parents would not dare try to take it off. There are moments now when my parents and I laugh about the several times I was caught teaching my class stuffed animals, teddy bears lined up around my dining room table, everything I learned in school.
From that instance as a kid up until now, I realized that teaching is a passion of mine that started in my childhood. No wonder I love mentoring, teaching others, and tutoring students now. I've had a love for it for a long time and when I thought back to how it all started, that's when I discovered it was in my childhood. When you were a child, what did you enjoy? What were you almost obsessed about that you feel maybe a little embarrassed to say? I am a firm believer that what we sometimes fall in love with as a child shows us what we are truly passionate about. It could have been music, cooking, collecting rocks, learning about space, or drawing on walls all around the house. These things we did as children could be a natural reflection of what we enjoy and are passionate about. Sometimes these passions dissipate as we grow older, but a lot of times, they do not. I encourage you to consider those activities you enjoyed learning about or doing and try picking those up again - see if they still bring you joy.
Understand Your Passion(s) Can Change
What you may be passionate about may change over time. Why does that happen? Well for one reason, we grow. We may move on to other passions or desires. Sometimes, others discourage us from certain passions because they do not see our vision and sadly - some may fall into this trap. In other cases, maybe we feel that particular passion will not be lucrative, and so we decide to focus on other things. Whatever the case may be, it is understandable to recognize that passions can change. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. If you changed them by choice and on your own, that is okay. If you changed them because of others, you may need to reconsider why you felt compelled to let go of this passion. I implore that you consider why you lost a passion or even how you came to gain a new one.
Know It May Not Be Related to Your Work
Working is well…work! Some have the luxury of working in a field that involves or is driven by their passion while others work only to make a decent paycheck to live off of. If you find yourself in a place where you are not passionate about the work you do, I believe you should try to make time for yourself to do something you are passionate about in your day or week. Joy in my life comes from being involved in my passions daily and I have that luxury right now to be able to do that as a single, young professional. With people who have other obligations such as young children, older parents/relatives to care for, or other unique responsibilities, it may be a challenge. You can try using your lunch break or time in the morning to work on or do something you are passionate about. Living a life where we infuse passion into our schedule involves taking action, maybe even sacrifice. Yet, it is worth it. It can lead to a more positive outlook on life and overall, more fulfillment and happiness. If you can align your career with your passions, that would be exponential to your growth professionally and personally. However, if you cannot, finding time outside of work to get involved in your passions can enhance your life in a prosperous way as well.
Understand You May Not Always Use It to Make Compensation
Your passion for planting your own food and gardening may not mean you will become rich from it. Volunteering for the soup kitchen is not something you will get paid for. However, the massive benefits to your life or the community make all the difference. I love to write, and I am passionate about sharing my story, knowledge, and wisdom. Have I made millions off it? Maybe one day... haha But even if I do not, I understand that what I enjoy doing may be helpful to others who take part in my passion. I do what I do for the impact, and you may find yourself doing the same thing. Even though you may not physically make compensation from your passions, that does not make them have any less worth. Think about legacy. Think about the impact. Think about purpose... you can immensely brighten your life and the lives of others by continuing to work in your passions.
Know It Takes Patience
You may be an individual who feels you may not know what you are passionate about. You may not have discovered yet or maybe you hit a snag in life where you are not sure of yourself anymore. Life has a way of taking you through unique experiences that eventually will lead you to develop a passion for certain causes or activities. When people share this with me, they often eventually share with me also they are not sure who they are and have not found themselves yet either. They feel a lack of identity. This may not be your case but if it is, know that you are not alone. One must be patient with themselves. Discovering your passions often relates to discovering yourself, which takes time and patience. I often urge people to pray and ask the Lord to reveal to them who they are. He is the creator and everything we ever need has been placed inside us. Why not consult the designer of the creation? Other ways one can discover is to try new experiences, read new books, meditate on what brings you joy, and think about what grinds your gears and upsets you, compelling you to incite change. Keep your mind wide open to the possibilities and remember, to be patient. It is a process, and it takes time. You may not have come across it yet, but you will.
Understand It May Not Always Be Blissful/Joyous
Losing over 80 pounds sounds great, but boy it sure was painful and discouraging at times. I developed a passion for fitness and nutrition after realizing I was dissatisfied with my health. I did not recognize myself and I wanted to make a change. It was not until I started running and learning about healthy foods and portion sizes, did I see I have a passion for these topics. I then took it a step further to empathize with others, especially my family and patients who struggle with weight loss. Some cannot afford to buy healthy food while others do not have access, as they live in a food desert. What started off as running and changing my diet then turned into a passion to teach others the benefits and lasting impact of adopting a healthy lifestyle. This is why I sought out getting certified as a personal trainer and nutritionist. I hope to encourage others to think intuitively about how they take care of their lovely bodies. It was a hard journey, and it was not always blissful running 5-10 miles or working out 5 - 6 days a week, but it was WORTH it. Often our passions involve taking action and putting in the work, which is not always fun. However, it is the impact that is the focus then. The work, sacrifice, and challenges will help us grow and that is what we want in order to become the best version of ourselves.
Continue to Develop and Grow in Your Passions
Over time as we grow, we should continue to shape our passions. A recurring theme is that developing those passions takes sacrifice. It could require investment. Try getting a certification or taking a class. Travel to a conference or attend a workshop. Keep working on your craft as it will only enhance your skills, knowledge, proficiency, impact, and sense of fulfillment. What may start as a passion for cooking could turn into writing a cookbook for young professionals needing quick recipes to combat the challenge of eating healthy meals when busy. Take time to learn additional skills to help you on your journey.
"Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate."
- Jon Bon Jovi
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
-Harriet Tubman
Passion has a place in our lives. It brings us joy and can bring it to others too! Take time in your life to discover those passions and to keep on developing them. Have an amazing day! Be passionate in all that you do.
Prayer for Your Passions
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for creating me as I am. I was fearfully and wonderfully made. Since you created me, you know me and all that I can be. Bless me to discover and develop my passions. Use me as a vessel as I utilize my gifts and talents in what I am passionate about. If I am unsure of what those are, reveal them to me. Lord, please be involved in my passions. In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.