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“God isn't asking you to figure it out. He's asking you to trust that he already has."

Jeremiah 17:7-8

7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. 8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a special love for plants and trees. Their radiance and beauty is captivating, but there is something about watching them grow and flourish. It is a process but in the end, it is well worth it. Both my mother and grandmother love plants. I remember the day my grandmother took us to the local Walmart to buy soil, seeds, and everything else we needed to plant our first garden together. After we gathered our supplies, we went back to her house and started what ended up being one of the longest days of hard work I can remember. It may have been hot outside with humidity to add, but it was a fun, amazing experience that I will never forget. Once we finished, it was bittersweet because it only looked like a dirt patch - barren space with nothing to show for the time we just spent. "It takes time. Now, we tend to it, water it, and watch it grow. That's the beauty of it - the process of watching it grow," grandma said. For many days after school, we tended to that garden, pulled weeds, and watered it. I'll be honest in saying I was anxious to see if there was ever going to be any progress. But, I remembered what grandma said about it being a process. It was going to take time. She probably did not realize it, but in those moments, she taught me patience and the power consistency can bring. She taught me to trust in the process. Over time, that garden grew and grew and grew. It was a pure delight to witness. I am still so proud of that garden. Even today, I reflect on what that process taught me and how it has impacted me.

Being planted is something people talk about all the time. As a child of God, it's understanding that when we plant ourselves in Him, we are also saying we trust Him and His process even if we don't understand His methods. The life we choose to live is influenced by where we plant ourselves. I often have to remind myself that in times of waiting, hardship, and trouble, whatever I put my security in, that is where I am planted. I'm not proud to say that sometimes, it was honestly not God. I would place my trust in relationships or my degrees. I would look to people for comfort before praying to God. Right now, I still see myself in a place of needing spiritual growth. However, I will say that I tend to be hard on myself and I may be exaggerating a little, but I know my faith and trust in God is still a work in progress. I have to constantly remind myself that God is essential while other things are just important. We can do and be nothing without Him. We cannot reach the height and the hope of the purpose of our calling without Him because only He knows what that is. He built and designed us to do more than we often know and only He can allow us to accomplish more than we can ever think to do. We CAN trust in Him but how can we do that without first being planted in Him?

It is important to understand that you are being planted, not buried. You are planted to rise and with this process comes growth. Being planted means you put your strength, hope, and confidence in God. When you do that, God helps you grow in ways sometimes don't necessarily want, but need.

Here's what happens when you choose to stay planted:

Your Focus Changes

Whatever we focus our attention on is what will dominate our thoughts." - Proverbs 23:7

Our minds can wander into things we often don't need to dwell on. Sometimes those thoughts are not necessarily bad, but dwelling on them so intensely can distract us from being present. For example, recently, I had been focused on my desire of wanting a husband. It got so bad that I realized I was more focused on that than my studies and my responsibilities right in front of me. Having a desire in my heart to get married was not a bad thing but my desire was so strong that I felt myself being pulled away from God. It was as though not having a husband right now made me feel less secure and that's when I realized I was putting my comfort and security in having a husband. I would constantly wonder about who my husband would be and when I would one day meet him. It became damaging because then I would get upset with God for not giving me that desire. It was painful and disappointing. Slowly over time, the Lord opened my eyes to what was happening while I was praying for help. I then realized my focus needed to be changed. I was redirected back to Him and realized that God has a plan for my life. I needed to focus more intently on the purpose God gave me and focus on the process I am in right now to achieve His purpose. By working to change my thinking, I was able to see things the Lord needed me to see. He realigned my focus to things that are important to Him that I need to be present for right now. What your heart meditates on, your mind will follow. I know now that putting my focus on God allows me to put my hope, trust, and faith in Him. Anything else we choose to focus on over God leads to disappointment and pain, especially when we don't understand the timing of it or why it is happening the way it is. We can control what thoughts we put in our minds. Use that to your advantage to dwell on God and watch how He blesses you.

You Become Nourished

Being planted in the Word nourishes your soul. The Bible offers so much wisdom, hope, and love. On a day-to-day basis, we are constantly faced with problems and worries. We can become depleted in our spirit if we don't replenish those needs. It shows in how we act and what we do - even if we don't realize it. Sometimes, other people will see it and be affected by it. Just like you would take care of your body and eat healthy food, the Word can fill you with positivity and understanding to help you through your journey. Find a good book, daily devotion, sermon, or song you enjoy, and make it a part of your routine to meditate on it day and night. I tend to listen to sermons in the morning while I drive and I just started listening to the Bible before I go to bed at night. God will tend to your needs as you spend more time with Him. Trust me, you will begin to feel more refreshed and it will most certainly show.

You Can Bare Fruit

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

According to, "in the natural world, fruit is the result of a healthy plant producing what it was designed to produce (Genesis 1:11–12). In the Bible, the word fruit is often used to describe a person’s outward actions that result from the condition of the heart." Over time, as you grow, you will be able to "bare fruit" that can be a blessing to you and those around you. This fruit is that of the Holy Spirit which includes: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, our fruit becomes more apparent and evident. To have this fruit and bare it, we must abide in Him to the best of our ability. We are branches that get our nourishment and energy from our father, the vine. If we break off from this, we will wither away and be fruitless. It's important to understand that having the ability to bare fruit comes from being attached to Him and having Him be a part of us. So how can we be a part of God if we don't pray, read our Word, or do things we know are not pleasing to God? I admit I've had my struggles with this where some areas of my life were more pleasing to God than others, but I ask God daily to help me with those problem areas. One thing I can tell you that may be encouraging is that we all fall short, so keep trying. Don't lose hope that things can change. You may get tempted and do something you regret but each day is a new day. Just give it to God, turn away from it, and ask for God to help you stay away from it. It takes time but life is a process so be patient with yourself. Beating yourself up won't change what you've done in the past. But, recognizing your mistakes and actively working hard each day to get past it will change the forecast of your future.

You Become Unmovable, Unshakeable

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Even in those grim times, God is there. When you choose to plant yourself in Him, you recognize your storms are only temporary. You won't budge or be shaken. You will do what you need to do even while still being afraid or anxious. Emotions will be felt but your actions will demonstrate what or who you put your faith in. Roots are what hold that tree firmly in the ground and your foundation of being rooted in faith is what keeps you planted. Storms will come in your life and you can expect that. Prepare yourself for storms and seasonal rains to come by anchoring your hope in His promises. It's easier said than done but the blessings you will receive will be more abundant. In the case of diamonds, only the greatest heat and pressure produce the precious jewel. In our lives, sometimes the strongest storms lead us to the greatest harvest. Don't be moved. Be rooted.


No one is perfect but if you remember to plant yourself in the Lord, He will help you grow in ways you never saw coming. I want to remind you that God loves you so much. He literally knows everything about you and wants what is best for you. Some things in life take time. Some desires we have in our hearts won't be granted to us right now, but if you ask and believe, you will receive. When storms come raging in our lives, we won't budge because we know in our hearts that God cares for us. Stay planted in God's Word, focus on Him, nourish your spirit, and know you can't be shaken. If God is for you, who can be against you? Have a lovely and blessed day! Just remember, He will tend to us as long as we plant ourselves in Him.


Prayer for Staying Planted

Dear Heavenly Father,

So many situations, relationships, and circumstances can distract me from being focused on you. Help me to stay planted in You. Although I may not know what lies ahead, I trust that you are guiding me. You walk before me and you have plans for me to do great things. As I encounter struggles, help me to focus on you and to remember that you have everything in your control. Nourish my soul and help me to have patience during this process of growth. Help me to grow in ways I never saw coming so I can bare fruit that can bless others. No matter what I go through, I trust that my life is in Your hands. I will stay planted in Your Word and Your promises. I will continue to praise you and I thank you for always tending to my every need and desire. In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.



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