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The Art of Joy

Joy endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose. A person pursues happiness but chooses joy.

We’ve all heard about it. It’s this sense of contentment and hope that comes with the understanding that life, through its ups and downs, is truly a journey. Joy, and the art of it, is knowing that although you go through the twists and turns of life, there is hope. Happiness on the other hand is rooted in the circumstances you face. It’s an emotion stemming from what you consider are the good things, people, and situations you experience. Whether it’s getting the job promotion you’ve been waiting to get, going on an amazing first date, or just simply enjoying a delightful piece of dessert, these can make a person feel happy. And as much as I would like to think that your life can always be filled with happiness, no one has a life only filled with great circumstances. We all face trials and tribulations. We face calamities, heartbreaks, loss, and grief. Though we experience sadness and distress, can we still experience joy?

Happiness is more external and is caused by something. Joy is internal and deeper. Joy in itself is an art. It’s a decision we have to make in the midst of both the sunshine and the storm. It takes courage to choose joy when life knocks you down over and over again. I recently came across two amazing pastors, in Miami from VOUS Church, Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson, (through Youtube, of course). One particular sermon series Rich gave was called the Art of Joy, which inspired me to write this piece today. Remember, it is something we cultivate through Christ as we practice choosing joy.

Here's why you should choose to have joy:

It Can Be Sustained

“Joy is a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace – a connection to what matters.” — Oprah Winfrey

With God as our source, joy can be sustained. Because it is not driven by circumstances, we can have it any and all the time. But even in that truth, we have to remember it is a choice and boy is it hard to choose sometimes. When we choose joy, it stays with us, and our mindset shifts even if our circumstances do not. It is important to remember that seasons come and go in our lives. We can't predict the future. We can't really plan for it either. No one knows what tomorrow will bring but in God, we can try our best to remember that He knows what's to come. He has plans to prosper us and not harm us. He made a promise to us to give us hope and a future. We see that in Jeremiah 29:11. He will keep His promises, but He didn't say how he would. Often, His plans look very different that ours - I like to think that they are greater. Sometime we experience rough patches. Although they are extremely unpleasant, they brings us closer to God and that is where we all should be. When we choose joy, we can hold onto hope while we tread through those patches because we remember He will keep His promises. Joy can last and can be sustained throughout all circumstances.

It Realigns Our Focus

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.”- Acts 2:28

From time to time, my focus has been shifted... sometimes I find myself laser-focused on the season I am in, ignoring the other priorities in my life. I have gotten caught up in heartbreak, loneliness, grief, and guilt... you name it. It then begins to have a domino effect, taking one problem and triggering a chain of events and other problems that are even more distressing. Sometimes my lack of focus on the right things (even good desires at the wrong time in my life like having a family) dulls me and I can see where I am not sharp in the spiritual, physical, and mental areas of my life. But let me encourage you today that when we choose to have joy, the trust we have in that choice realigns our focus to see what God can and will do for us - to see His paths that He often does reveal to us when we ask. Having joy can help ease the tension and give clarity to a murky situation. Not all situations can be explained, but joy can certainly adjust our focus towards God - to see that He ultimately has the ultimate say so. We can take the pressure off of ourselves to fix everything. We can let go of the pain and give it to Him. He will not give us more than we can bare and we have to try to remember that. As long as we focus on Him, we can have joy and His grace is sufficient for us.

It Places You in a Posture of Gratitude

"“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” - Amy Collette

I know that sometimes, I tend to think intuitively about what I don't have instead of what I do have. It's like when I find myself hyper-focused on what mistakes I've made rather than the achievements I have accomplished. Or when I'm in taking an exam, I focus on the questions I got wrong and forget about the questions I do get right. I've leaned into what has gone wrong from time to time instead of embracing the greatness and blessings God has given me. It's time to be grateful and to have gratitude. When we choose to have joy, we should really consider the blessings we have already been given. I, for one, have been extremely blessed in my life and although I get upset about certain plans not going my way, I need to remember what He has already done for me. You may be in a position where you feel as though you've been dealt a terrible hand in life, which is understandable. To those who may feel this way, I truly believe that God still has a plan for you. It can and will get better with Him by your side if you ask Him to help you. My heart is with you.

It Gives You the Ultimate Strength

“The joy of the Lord is your strength"- Nehemiah 8:10

It is our strength because it is of God, who is beyond mighty and strong. It is a beautiful thing to know we can experience this and have access to it all the time. When we choose to have joy, God grants us strength to get through our seasons. It doesn't come overnight but it also could if we lean into it fully. John 15:11 says we are reminded of this, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” God's intent for us is that we will be fruitful and have abundance, but this comes from Him alone. Nothing can destroy us. We are His children and He loves us no matter the hardships, mistakes, and sins. We have grace and can be forgiven. With His strength, we can climb out of the deep holes we find ourselves standing in. Joy grants us access to the Father and in return, He gives us strength. We sometimes believe God doesn't see our pain or that our problems don't matter to Him. Trust me when I say, they do matter to Him. In our weakness, our connection to Him will make us strong. Lean into that by choosing joy.


Joy is not easy. It takes courage to choose joy in our daily lives. We all experience feelings of sadness, grief, anger, disappointment, and sometimes even depression. Life is hard. But even though life is hard, we have to try to remember God is with us. I have found myself going through many different seasons in my life. Not all of them I was happy to be in. Some were just downright terrible. Some I am still in. However, although those experiences are real and challenging, I have to remember that it is only a season and that even through those stressful times, God is with me. I've even questioned that at times because I'm human, but when I tell you God is there for you, He really is. Please stay encouraged, my friend. Don't lose hope. As hard as it may be - try to choose joy because it can be sustained. It realigns your focus on God, who is there for you through it all. It allows you to remember to have gratitude for the blessings you do have. Lastly, it provides you with strength that is unlike any other. Joy is an art - it takes skill that only comes through practice just like anything else. Practice won't make it perfect but it makes it permeant - a permanent mindset to understand that even though life takes you through valleys, trenches, and even peaks, we won't lose our minds because joy can carry us, no matter the circumstances.


Prayer for Choosing Joy

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray to you today because sometimes I have worries, stressors, disappointments, and problems that seem bigger than what I can handle. Some things may be in my control that I struggle with while others may not be. I need Your help today. Help me to stay encouraged and to choose joy, because it is truly a decision I have to make. When I go through a season in my life that is difficult for me, help me to feel Your presence. The joy of the Lord is my strength and although I do not always feel strong, I know I have strength because it comes from You. Thank you for all of the blessings you have given to me and for all of the blessings you will give to me in the future. Strengthen my faith to trust You in everything I do and in every situation I may be placed in.

In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.



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