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Image by Rachel Strong

Prayer is

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Jeremiah 29:12


For many people, spirituality plays a significant role in their lives. For me, as a Christian, it most certainly does! One aspect of my life that is very important to me is prayer. But what is it exactly?


"Why should we pray?"

"Who is listening to these prayers?"

"What if nothing changes for the better?"

"I have already tried to pray and I don't see any differences."

"Will my prayers be answered?"


These are possible thoughts and questions that people may have about prayer. While growing up, my family shared with me the power that prayer truly has in a person's life. Prayer is powerful because it allows us to communicate directly with God and it helps us to build an intimate relationship with Him. It can be formal or informal, but the key is understanding that it is personal. It is a time when we can embrace His presence and listen for instruction. Prayer should not be the last resort, but we should remember to pray without ceasing. 

It is also vital to understanding that prayer allows us the chance to grow. As we spend time talking to God, He aligns our will with His, changing the way we experience life and the world around us. It is a way for God to work on our hearts and for us to share ourselves completely with Him. He loves hearing from us and already knows the desires of our hearts. We also must understand that our prayers will be answered, sometimes in the way that we hope for and at other times, in a way that we did not expect. No matter what life brings us, we should continue to pray, understanding that God loves us, hears us, and wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. 


The Lord's Prayer is a wonderful payer for those who are new to praying or want guidance on how to pray. Below are a few prayers that I have written and published as examples of how you can make prayer personal to fit you. It is my hope that these prayers will truly bless you. 


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The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.


A Daily Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for all your amazing blessings.  Thank you for giving me joy and life this morning. Help me to put on the Armor of God and to strive to be a man/woman of faith today. Help me to be patient and understanding. Help me to control my tongue and devote my heart to you. I devote all my life to you, and I put you first. I am strong and will have faith. I am secure in who You made me to be and will be confident in my abilities that you have blessed me with. I repent of all my sins and will devote time to you daily. I will dedicate my life to your purpose. I speak favor and protection over my life. Bless my loved ones and my enemies.  I trust You with all my heart and will be humble, giving, and supportive. I ask that you will be in the center of all things, and I will not be fearful. I also ask that you steer me in the right direction away from things that may cause harm. Cover me by your precious blood, protect me, and make me stronger than I was yesterday. I am in love with who You are and will aim to be a better person for the glory of Your kingdom. I decree that my life will be filled with favor, blessings, opportunities, protection, and wealth. Please allow your light to shine through me and for your love to radiate from my soul. I pray that I impact, give to, and empower others daily. I pray that my life glorifies you. Help me to be the best in any role that I have in people's lives. I am a child of God and thank you for your grace and mercy. I may not be perfect, but I will be faithful, knowing that you will judge me on the intentions of my heart.  I am the head and never the tail, above and never beneath. 

I love you Lord and bless your heavenly name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Pre-Med's Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for placing this desire in my heart to not only serve others but to be a warrior for your kingdom as I carry out your purpose. I ask that you grant me favor and abundance during this process. Please direct my footsteps and lead me to find the opportunities, resources, and individuals that can help me reach my goal of becoming a physician. As I study for my entrance exams for medical school, please allow me to have peace and help me to recall what it is that I need to know in order to excel in all areas. I also ask that you help me to trust you throughout this process and to be patient, no matter what I may encounter along the way. 

Cover my medical school application and grant me favor with the interview process. Lord, I ask that you place me at the medical school where I would be able to flourish academically, socially, personally, and professionally. In all ways, I acknowledge you and depend on you. I have faith that you will guide me and bless me. Lead me to trust you at all times and to persist until I have the victory.

Bless your holy name in Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

A Medical Student's Prayer

Dear Lord,

As I study and prepare to become a physician, I ask you for strength, patience, and unprecedented love. Grant me an understanding of the material presented to me. May you bless me with hope, faith, and comfort to face any shortcomings that may come along my way. With every exam, assignment, presentation, and clinical rotation, help me to excel. Send me the resources that can help me when I do not understand. Direct me on the path to choosing the right field of healthcare where I can be best utilized. In the hopes of utilizing this information to heal others, help me to see beyond the science and to grow closer to understanding your creations. Help me to never lose sight of you and the kingdom. I fix my eyes on You, and my victory in Christ is already done. 

In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

A Physician's Prayer

Oh Gracious Lord,

I come before you on this day to give thanks for all your mighty blessings. Thank you for gracing me with the opportunity to serve in this position as a physician. It is an honor and a privilege of the utmost high. I graciously ask that you help me to remember my purpose and identity in Christ at all times. Help me to leave an everlasting positive influence on the lives of those around me.
I humbly ask that you bless those who work beside me and those who I care for. Guide my hands to heal and not harm. Guide my ears to listen to your distinguished voice and to listen to my patients. Guide my eyes to see things as you would. Guide my heart in a way that shows love, kindness, and sympathy. Guide my mind to recall skills, knowledge, and training. Grant me patience when I am hasty and strength, when I become weak, for the weak, are made strong in the Lord. Heavenly Father, bless me to acknowledge that you have control in all situations and bless me to have faith through the toughest of times. In all the days of my life, help me to remember that there is power in your name. 


In Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

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